New Parent Counseling

It’s 2am and your eyes feel glued shut yet wide awake at the same time. You are trying to scroll through your phone because this one parent blogger suggested a sound machine, one suggested sleeping training, oh wait! The other suggested letting the baby sleep on you but all the parents before you said “keep that baby in it’s crib, let them cry it out”. You need this baby to just sleep and all the voices in your head are so loud.

You are overwhelmed. You are very tired, irritable, and those baby blues have been hanging around longer than you expected. This tops as one of the hardest things you’ve faced. You’re just at the end of your rope. You are trying to do what you feel is the best and right thing. I’m here to tell you this is completely normal. You and this brand new human actually have a lot more in common than you thought; navigating a big and unknown world is super scary. Big, unknown, and scary can feel more manageable with some support by your side.

Therapy is a space that can bring some normalization to the very unfamiliar place you’re in. I can’t make your baby sleep (sorry) but I can offer support while in the blurry days. There is an extensive list when searching for “what do new parents actually need?”. Diapers, wipes, bottles, swaddles, etc. etc. A large need that is overlooked is someone that will just sit and listen. That’s where therapy comes into play. 

We need to get you back up to the top of your priority list. That can look like spending one hour a week in therapy talking about the struggles of the past week, coming up with new goals for yourself, or breaking cycles from your own childhood. You need to get to a place where you feel confident in the parent that you are. When we feel our most confident self there usually lies our most resilient self as well. 

My guess is you’re here because you’re having second thoughts on whether or not you’re doing the right thing or if you’re even a good parent. I’m here to let you in on a little are already a wonderful parent.

How lucky is your child(ren) that their parent is wanting to break cycles, learn new tools, and have more emotional awareness for their future? I know the blurry days feel like they are stopping the light from the other side of the tunnel. That light is there and I’m so proud of you for taking this first step to get to it.

Book a free 15-minute consultation with me to get started on your journey toward wellness.

Available Counselors in Denton, TX

  • Brianna Taylor Counselor in Denton, TX

    Brianna Taylor, LPC